The only changes to a burpees to make this move is you are just adding a pair of dumbbells and removing the hop as you come up at the end of your burpee and just doing an overhead should press with the weights. Let's take a look at the image to the right to see how it is done.

Now that you have it down do it again anywhere from 10 to 15 times. It is a great add into any lifting program and for any cardio program it is a good way of mixing it up and making it more fun for you. :)
(*Note that the push up in the first image is an addition to this move and it should only be added once you are comfortable with preforming the rest of this exercise.)
Hope everyone is enjoy this new move and really one of the best total body exercises around! Have a great week, stay motivated, eat well, and work hard! You can do it anything you put your mind too.
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
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