Adding Purple Food In Your Diet: The Power Of Purple
Quick And Easy Healthy Meal!
One of the biggest impacts on our weight is diet and
nutrition. Some experts have said that it can be anywhere from 70-80+ percent
of losing weight and keeping weight off and exercising is the other 20-30% of
it. I think that changing your way of
eating, planning your meals, and cooking differently is difficult and will be a
challenge when you start. But because nutrition plays such a huge role it needs
to be changed if you want your goals to become reality. Because YOU CAN DO
IT! And watching your body change for
the better and start to transform to where you want it to be…. Well you will
see how awesome that is and want to keep going for it.
Committed to your health and fitness goals,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Sport Drinks: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Sports Drinks have hit the marketplace and have gained HUGE popularity. They have all these promises about how you can have a faster recovery after a workout, replacing lost electrolytes, giving you either more nutrients or vitamins, etc. The thing is ,just as we are all hearing about all the greatness and the benefits these type of drinks have for us, we hear about all the negatives too. It makes for a confusing picture when you are looking at what makes sense for you and your lifestyle. Well, luckily we have done the research and have made a Pros and Cons list for you. This way there will be no more second guessing or any confusion.
The whole idea that you need to drink eight 8 fl oz. has become a piece of outdated information. We in fact need to be drinking more than that. Men should be drinking a total of 13 cups (8floz = 1 cup) each and every day , while women need to be taking in about 9 cups.
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Here and now I am putting out a challenge to you. I am not going to tell you that you cannot have that piece of piece or have some gravy on your mash potatoes, or that you cannot drink any alcohol. What I am going to challenge you to do is question yourself, think before you eat. Ask yourself “Do I really need that big of a portion or go back for seconds? Can I make this a healthier meal for me and my family?” We all are living in the moment with food. We need to train ourselves mentally to say no or make the smart decision for the long haul and not that instant. This is hard to do every day, especially during the holiday season, and in a culture that is completely centered on instant gratification. BUT you can do it and you CAN make the smarter decision.
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
The second important thing that you need to note is the impact that alcohol consumption will have on your fat metabolism. The minute that you put alcohol into your body, all fat burning is going to come to a halt. Your body views alcohol as a toxin and as such, as soon as it comes in, it’s going to do everything it can to rid itself of this alcohol. No further fat will be burned off until it’s out of your system. Only then will you start burning up body fat again. So if you consume quite a bit of alcohol one night, you can expect to see your rate of fat loss drop off for a more significant period of time.
It’s a New Year to a New You!
First things first, take a log of what you are eating for a week. Don’t change anything just be normal because if you change then you might miss where you need to make further adjustments. After you make a log highlight where you know you need changes (i.e. too much alcohol, not enough protein, drink more water, etc.) and start to prepare for that. One thing that we should all look at in our diets is how many foods we have that are boosters of our immune systems, natural detoxifiers, and that have a great amount of antioxidants.
Now, the bottom articles provide good information while staying more or less unbiased but just trying to lay out the facts and give you information so you can be knowledgeable in your choices. Professionally, we recommend that the more natural and the less processed your foods are the better they are for you. The less complex things are and the more simple you eat the healthier it is for you and the better you will fill because there are less sugars, additives, and sometimes added hormones (please note that even when you eat natural, organic meats the animal still produces hormones naturally and those are the hormones that we are not discussing in this post. The hormones we are concerned about are the added hormones to the animal for mass production.)
1. Switch to water. Not only is this the healthier option for you and your body but you are not buying (at least as much) juices, alcohol, or sodas. It will go further for you and buy using more of a tap (but do buy some sort of filter to make sure you have cleaner water) you are spending even less money and saving plastic.
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Some of the magnificent reasons purple in your diet is beneficial |
Hey everyone,
A happy Memorial Day
to you all! I was doing some article reading and found this short and sweet
article about adding blue and purple fruits and vegetables into your diet, some
of the results from research studies and what are some benefits that it has on
your health. There is even the added bonus of recipes and ideas on how to add
the power fruits and veggies to your meals and diet regime! Take a look at the
link and enjoy!
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Quick And Easy Healthy Meal!

Now, one of the challenges to changing eating and moving
into a better direction is what to cook? What to eat? We went looking for a
place that would give you all good ideas of foods that are healthier, quick to
make, and simple. The meals only take about 20-30 minutes. They will help you
lose weight and keep it off. They are made
with foods that will fuel you to exercise with improved stamina and overall
improved feeling. What more could you
ask for?
So go to the link and check it out. What are you
waiting for? J
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe.
Justin and Angie LaPointe.
Portion Control: Just How Important Is It?
As we take a look at what we are eating to lose weight, get healthier, and make sure we are picking those foods that will support those goals; at some point we need to take a look at how much are we really eating, regardless of what we are eating. Bottom line you eat too much of anything and you will start to gain weight. Now, a way to help you keep your weight managed and lose weight is by watching how much food you are putting on your plate. This may sound simple but we have all gotten accustomed to eating more than our fair share and certainly more than a serving size.
The problem is that our bodies were meant to eat small and portioned out meals about every three hours throughout the entire day. However, what ends up happening for most of us is we have such large portions at meal time because we are eating less often and sometimes even miss some of our meals entirely. First things first, if you eat every three hours and make sure you eat a good breakfast within the first hour of waking. You will eat less food at meal time and therefore smaller portions. Next, making sure you train your body to eat every three hours. This is important because you are giving your body fuel to be energized and ensure that you continue through your day and are less likely to then eat a large lunch and/or dinner because you are fueled verses being starved. Now, the other step and probably one of the hardest of these steps is learning how to eat smaller meals and learning what proper portions look like.
First, we should try and compare a serving size to that of recognizable objects or things. For example, meats (chicken, fish, etc.) should be about the size of your palm… without the fingers or a deck of cards. (reference the picture.) So, you are looking at about a 3-4oz serving, which is more than enough meat. Vegetables and fruits should be about the size of your fist, and so the list can go on. One of the best pieces of advice is to look at your nutrition labels and measure it out (we would recommend that you do this with foods that you eat on a frequent basis) so that you can see what a real portion looks like and then compare it to what you are typically eating.
In addition to learning portion sizes there are other ways of making your portions smaller with a little adjustment. Some examples are:
1. Eat off of a smaller plate at home.
2. Snack on fruit instead of candy as a snack.
3. Avoid samples when you are out or tiny snacks at the store.
4. Drink water to reduce hunger (you should be drinking about 2 liters every day!)
5. When at a restaurant, either split your entrée with a friend or put the other half in a to-go box.
6. You can order smaller portions (half size dishes or a kids’ meal) when you order food when you are at a restaurant.
7. Add a salad to your meal (veggies are full of fiber and nutrients that help make you feel fuller.)
Hopefully these tips and information will be helpful to you and your health and fitness journey. Below is some additional information that can help get better educated on portion size. Portion size is a crucial part to any part of a person’s health and we all need to train our minds to realize that large portions and processed food is yummy in that moment but at the end of the day we are not looking at the long term. We challenge you to change how much you are eating and to see if you notice a difference in your weights and even how you feel!
Additional information:
Helpful tips to learn what a portion size looks like:
Committed to your health and fitness goals,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Sport Drinks: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Sports Drinks have hit the marketplace and have gained HUGE popularity. They have all these promises about how you can have a faster recovery after a workout, replacing lost electrolytes, giving you either more nutrients or vitamins, etc. The thing is ,just as we are all hearing about all the greatness and the benefits these type of drinks have for us, we hear about all the negatives too. It makes for a confusing picture when you are looking at what makes sense for you and your lifestyle. Well, luckily we have done the research and have made a Pros and Cons list for you. This way there will be no more second guessing or any confusion.
First things first, let us lay out the benefits.
1. By taking a sports drink (e.g. Gatorade, Vitamin Water, etc.) you do replace electrolytes, which the body does, in fact, become depleted in these electrolytes and other nutrients (such as Potassium and Magnesium, which help prevent muscle cramping and weakness.) These kinds of drinks do allow you to replenish them quicker and it is a major advantage over water.
2. These kinds of drinks do taste better than just regular water. Let’s face it, sometime water gets boring and we all like to spice it up. Sometimes, some of us don’t even like water. So, in that way it will spark your interest to drink more and to stay hydrated.
Now, for the Cons. While the list above are show you beneficial things for you and your body, there is a downside that you should all be made aware of as well.
1. Weight Gain. This is something that anyone drinking the sports drinks should be aware of. The drinks that you are drinking are not calorie free. They do have sugar and calories and they will cause you to gain weight even though you are working out. Which would seem frustrating since that is way you are working out, to keep weight off and to stay healthy. Some of the sports drinks are actually higher in sugar than soda! Because of this, this also means that they are higher in simple carbohydrates, another weight gainer. These carbohydrates will cause the insulin in your blood therefore leading to fat storage.
2. Tooth Decay believe it or not is another con to add to this list. Because of the fact that these types of drinks are high in sugar (more than some sodas) it factor that you need to consider with long term use of the product. The fact is, that it is more likely to cause tooth decay than soda because not only is there more sugar but there is also artificial flavoring and coloring that the manufactures uses. Another common additive that is uses is High Fructose Corn Syrup. This is the number one source of calories in the U.S. and it is also linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome.
(Side Note: Now, drinking these kinds of drinks once in a while will not cause you to gain weight or have rotten teeth just by drinking them a few times. But by drinking these kinds of drinking these are the possible events that could happen to you. So, now you can make a more informed decision.)
Now, because there are some benefits to them and you can drink them every so often, here are some basic guidelines for you to look at regarding sports drinks.
1. If you work out for more than 1 hour:
o It’s good for you to drink a sports drink when you are done because you have lost a lot of electrolytes and nutrients and water is not going to cut it. This will help prevent dehydration and it will actually produce better hydration than water depending on how depleted you are. Now, you should stick to drinking on half the bottle though because of the sugar and the calories. This will not only save you some calories but it will save you some money!
2. Now if you are working out for an hour or less:
o You just cannot beat water. It will work the best for you and it is also the most cost effective option.
The links below are some of the places that we got our information. Go ahead and take a look if you are interested in finding out more information on the subject.
Committed to your health and fitness goals,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Saying Hydrated
The importance of staying hydrated is key to not only making you do your best during your workout but it will keep you healthy by preventing diseases but it will also keep weight off. Some of the other functions that it does within your body are: maintaining your body temperature, carrying oxygen throughout the body, lubricating your joints, promoting digestion, cushions your organs, and much, much more!

By ingesting this much water every day we all can prevent dehydration but also other problems and health issues such as: kidney stones, certain cancers but also it will increase your mental clarity and physical performance!
Water is truly a miracle nutrient and the simple fact that we, ourselves, are made up so much from it should make us make sure that we are always staying hydrated. Because as you can see it is more than just a nutrient... it is THE NUTRIENT. We all know that we can sustain without food for weeks but we can only last without water for a couple of days. That shows us just how important water really is. Posted below is a great article on furthering your knowledge on water and also provides all kinds of important information on the subject. Please take a look at it and so then you too can see how amazing water really is!
Committed to your health and fitness goals,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Committed to your health and fitness goals,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Breakfast: Just How Important is it?
Breakfast. We all hear it is the “most important meal of the day.” But do most of us actually know why it is? Well, we are going to go through not only why it is the most important meal of the day but many of the health and weight benefits that you get just by eating breakfast. In addition, we are going to discuss what you should be having and ways to make sure that you get your meal in no matter what your schedule is.
First things first, why should you eat breakfast? To begin, it is what keeps you from adding weight on and it’s what will make you lose weight and keep it off. “How is this?” you may ask yourself. By eating breakfast within an hour or less of waking up you are not allowing for what is called ‘Starvation Eating’ to occur. This is when you are fasting for 15 to 20 hours by not eating from dinner time to lunch time (or even later) the next day. Your body believes that it is starving (which it is) and it will then store everything to fat. Now, we can fix all this by eating within an hour of waking you prevent this and instead of starving yourself, you jump start your metabolism instead and allow your body to be fueled throughout the entire day, therefore burning more calories.
You will not believe all the benefits that you will experience just by simply eating a little meal after you wake up. These benefits range the physical to the emotional to the mental. Examples of this are:
· Clearer thinking
· More ‘feel-good’ moods
· Increased stamina
· Increased ability to focus
· A brighter outlook on things
· Experience less stress
· Less cranky feelings in the morning
· And lastly, keep weight off and loose unwanted weight.
Now that we have gone over why everyone should be having breakfast, I would bet that many of you are thinking “Well, that’s all fine and dandy but what should I be having for breakfast? I don’t have time in the morning to make a gourmet meal!” While we are all busy and have tight schedules, it is more about making the time and finding something that suits you and your lifestyle. Your meal in the morning doesn’t have to be gourmet or even all that much. For example, you can have a piece of whole grain bread (toasted or not) with a TBSP of peanut or almond butter on it. The main concern for the meal is that you need to have a good (low- glycemic) carbohydrate mixed with a low protein.
· A veggie omelet
· Protein shake
· Hard- boiled egg with a piece of fruit (ex. Banana)
· High fiber/whole grain cereals with low fat milk or milk alternative
· Protein bar with a yogurt smoothie
· Oatmeal with low fat milk/ milk alternative with raisins and a piece of fruit
· Scrambled eggs made with ground turkey and a couple slices turkey bacon
Really one rule you should have with breakfast, or really with any meal, is the simpler it is the better. The less you have to do means less time for you and the healthier it is for you. Also, focus on higher fiber foods. These kinds of foods will fill you and they will have fewer calories. This simply put means that you can have more for less. Some good examples of fiber are: oatmeal, whole grain cereals, fruit, veggies, etc. These will fill you up and keep you feeling satisfied, while not being high in calories and are quality foods that will provide you with health benefits.
Hopefully this will guide you and convince you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides you with so much and all you have to do is eat! Who knew it could be so simple! There is a breakfast out there that is the perfect on for every one out there. For the person that loves to cook and make exquisite meals to the on the go grab a donut person. You all can find something that is healthy, tasty, and beneficial to you and your health goals. Good luck and remember you are always more than welcome to contact us if you ever need any help with finding what will work for you and your lifestyle.
For more information you can see the sites below.
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Don't Let the Gobble Get Your Waistline!
This week there is the holidays of all holidays when it comes to food and eating. This holiday is known for the gluttonous indulgences that we are all served at parties or make for our families. This is part of the tradition we have built. The only problem is that it is not for just the one day. It starts with the Halloween candy and then goes months till after New Year’s comes and goes. Sure indulgences are good for you. They can be a reward for all the hard work you do with working out and eating well. Plus it keeps you enjoying life! BUT indulging October, November, December, and January…. That can be the enemy to your health, weight, and waistline.
This week there is the holidays of all holidays when it comes to food and eating. This holiday is known for the gluttonous indulgences that we are all served at parties or make for our families. This is part of the tradition we have built. The only problem is that it is not for just the one day. It starts with the Halloween candy and then goes months till after New Year’s comes and goes. Sure indulgences are good for you. They can be a reward for all the hard work you do with working out and eating well. Plus it keeps you enjoying life! BUT indulging October, November, December, and January…. That can be the enemy to your health, weight, and waistline.

This challenge may not have you losing weight, I won’t lie to you. BUT it can keep more weight from coming on. Plus it is setting up healthier habits that you can have for life.
So, there it is. My challenge to you and I make my promise to you that we are here for you. This will be harder than you think it will be and you need to have a good support system there for you. Your family, friends, and Better Body Fitness NW will be there for you.
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Alcohol: The Sneaky Weight Gainer.
The one question that often presents itself to many dieters who are trying to shed the excess weight that has accumulated over time is whether or not alcohol can be included in their diet plan. Alcohol is something that most adults do like to indulge in from time to time – some more often than others. So what’s the real deal about alcohol and your progress? Is this something that you can make room for in your diet or is it something that you need to give the boot? Here we are going to discuss the science of alcohol on your body and solutions for you to make your holidays and the time thereafter to make you successful with your health and fitness goal BUT also still indulge.
Now, the very first thing that you need to take note of is how many calories are found in alcohol. Alcohol itself contains seven calories per gram, whereas both proteins and carbs contain just four. Fat comes in at the highest calorie value per gram at nine, which places alcohol right in the middle.
The biggest culprit is depending on what the alcohol is mixed with. If you’re drinking your alcohol with high calorie or fat mixers such as cream, sodas, or sugary mixers you could easily end up with a drink that packs in well over 300 calories per serving you are drinking you can have almost 300 calories in your one drink! That’s a lot of calories right there and they add up fast.

Finally, the last important thing to note about alcohol consumption is the impact it will have on your recovery rates. In addition to putting the breaks on all fat burning taking place in the body, the second thing that alcohol is going to put the breaks on is protein synthesis. This means that no further lean muscle tissue will be built up as long as that alcohol is in the body. Again, you can imagine what this is going to do to your workout goals. So as you can see, if you want to be truly successful with your fat loss and workout program, it’s best if you can forgo alcohol for the time being. One drink every now and then may not hurt all that much, but if you’re taking in any more than this, it will definitely hinder the progress that you see.
Alcohol being what it is, it is a social undertaking and a chance to unwind but as you can see it can have some no so great effects on your body and can be holding you back from your goals. So how do we fix this? Especially during the holidays there are a lot of chances to partake in these indulgences. Now, below are ways that we can combat this sneaky weight gainer and kicking those extra pounds to the curb!
· Try having a non-alcoholic beverage between your alcoholic drink. One of the best to have is water… its calorie free and most of us are lacking in adequate amounts of water anyways. Two birds, one stone.
· If you can have a light version of a beer or alcohol have it. It means that there are fewer calories that I you were have the ones without the light.
· Try to drink slower. This will make it last longer and therefore make you buy less.
Not only do these tips help you save calories but it will be also more cost effective then drinking more. Alcohol is one of those things that are fun and enjoyable but we all need to remember to ask ourselves “just how much am I drinking?” because it will be costing you calorically and monetarily.
For further information you can see this link to learn more about alcohol and its effects on your body:
Committed to your health and fitness goals,
For further information you can see this link to learn more about alcohol and its effects on your body:
Committed to your health and fitness goals,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
It’s a New Year to a New You!
It is that time of the year that we all take a look at ourselves. Most of us are charged to accomplish those elusive health and fitness goals that we have been putting off. Now, that we are all ready to go and hit the gym and eat different the first thing that we should do is take a look at what we are eating before we do anything else because proper fuel is what is going to fuel us to our improved health and healthier bodies!

The following list is of food that have are nutrient dense with a bunch of added health benefits that would be a huge bonus to include in your diet.
1. Green Leafy Vegetables: You didn’t think we wouldn’t include this did you? There are many reasons why these should be in your diet already but if you need more reasons than nutrients that keep you healthy, fiber that gets rid of toxins, then consider that dark leafy greens have what is called chlorophyll in them and this helps scrub out the environmental toxins that live in us (heavy metals and pesticides are a couple) and protects the liver.
2. Green Tea: This is a great thing to add into your diet if you are not already doing this. Green tea has substances in it that are beneficial to your liver by speeding up its activity and increasing the production of detoxifying enzymes
3. Lemons: These little guys are just amazing to add to your diet! They are a great source of vitamin c and they help detoxify your body and burn fat! What more could you ask for? Well, in addition to those factors, they also help with digestion and make an alkaline environment in your body. Add these to your water to see these benefits come to life for you.
4. Garlic and Ginger: They both are hard workers by working to get rid of the free radicals that build up in our system from our environments and the stress we put on our bodies. A way to add this to your diet is by adding it to your cooking (stir fry’s are great, adding it to chicken, etc.
5. Beets: The fiber in beets help with the increase in the production of antioxidant enzymes in the liver that help the liver and the gallbladder eliminate bile and other toxins in the body. Add this to a salad or use a juicer to reap these benefits.
6. Cabbage and Watercress: water cress is packed with detoxifying agents (such as vitamin B, zinc, potassium, vitamin E, and Vitamin C) and it is a natural diuretic which will help flush out the toxins. Cabbage is excellent because of its natural cleansing properties of the liver. Add these to salad as a way of working them into your die
7. All Fruit: the amount of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants in fruit are too great to count. Some are typically more in season and cheaper than others so work with your budget and you taste buds to see what works for you.
8. Artichoke: To be specific globe artichokes. This amazing vegetable that is packed with antioxidants, fiber, and will assist in the digestion of fatty foods. It also stimulates and improves the functions of the liver. Add this to your salad or sandwiches or steam them for a lovely meal.
9. Insoluble Fiber: By adding whole grains, steel cut oats, brown rice, barely, oatmeal, fruit, Brussels sprouts, etc. these help with picking up toxins that are stuck in your intestines and get rid of it.
10. Water: This is one of most important aspects of your diet that most of the population needs to work on. Most (about 70%) of us are already chronically dehydrated and the reason that this is such an issue because just about each and every body function involves water. Also, it stimulates the functions of the liver, kidneys, and digestive systems. Reasons for adding water to your way of eating is very important and the list could go on and on of why you should be drinking 2 liters a day. But think about this. Not only will it flush out toxins, stimulate functions for digestion, and keep you hydrated but it is also a zero calorie snack!
Now, with these 10 things now clearly listed on things you can change/add into your diet you should be able to see what you are willing to add or take out. Really be honest with yourself and make small changes at first. Don’t just go from one extreme to the other. That will set you up to struggle more than if you took one item and worked on that for a week then the following pick another and maintain the first, etc. Keep a food log during this time of transition. It will keep you accountable and also show you where you need to continually work. We know that you can make anything happen that you set your mind to.
Committed to your health and fitness goals,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Hormones In Our Foods: Just How Good Are They For You?
Hey everyone!
Hey everyone!
As we all know, there are a lot of different perspectives on foods these days, especially, surrounding hormones that are put in our foods. People ask are they good for you? What are the impacts of hormones put in our food? And, therefore, is our health impacted? Well, there are many articles, blogs, and a lot of research that has been done on this topic and the conclusion is that there is no definite answer. The information out there has the extreme sides of it and the Switzerland side of things, trying to stay neutral and after all is said and done sometimes we are left even more confused on what we should be doing and how we should be eating.
Thus our search began to find articles and information for you all that would lead you in a direction of you making the best choice for you, your family, and others you may know. Bottom line, knowledge is power and with it you can make the best choices for your health.

Hopefully, these articles and the above information will prove to be helpful and also empower you with knowledge so that you can make the right and healthy choices for yourself.
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Eating Healthy And Keeping It Cheap: It Can Be Done!
Trying to eat healthy but trying to watch how much spend is a hard thing to do. Bottom line it is expensive to buy healthy foods and trying to buy healthy while on a budget is even harder. Well, we are here to make it easier for you and easier on your wallet. Below is a list of things that are helpful ways to make living healthy more convenient and affordable.
Eating Healthy And Keeping It Cheap: It Can Be Done!
Trying to eat healthy but trying to watch how much spend is a hard thing to do. Bottom line it is expensive to buy healthy foods and trying to buy healthy while on a budget is even harder. Well, we are here to make it easier for you and easier on your wallet. Below is a list of things that are helpful ways to make living healthy more convenient and affordable.
2. Try to only go to one grocery store. The one that is closest to you may not be the cheapest but it will save you money on your fuel costs and time then if you have to hit up 2, 3, or more stores to get what you want. If you have a store that you like to buy something at save up and go for a big trip when you do go.
3. Make a plan and stick to it! Now this goes on a couple different levels. First, make a list and buy ONLY what is on the list. By making the list you are also given the opportunity to make a plan to prep for solid meals during your week.
a. Most of the list should have things that are on the perimeter of the store verses the aisle. By doing this you are avoiding the junk foods and the things that aren’t as healthy. Junk foods are expensive; chips, cookies, crackers, etc. are not as cheap as they used to be. So, save you money and use it to buy healthier options and/or keep it in your savings.
4. Another way of saving money is buying things that are generic. Now, we would recommend that the less packaged foods you buy the healthier that they are. However, there are some healthy options that are in packaging (i.e. Greek Yogurt) or things that you may not be willing to give up, that if you buy generic will save you a couple dollars here and there.
5. Searching out for a farmer’s market is another way of buying foods that are from your local farmer, you can become more educated on what you’re eating, what they do to the food, get some great deals, and it’s all FRESH!
6. Organic foods. Need I say more? They are wonderful for you and have much more of their nutrients then the foods that aren’t organic. Well, there are two options for this.
a. First off, maybe by saving money in other areas with your smarter shopping then you can spurge on the organic foods/ produce or at least the produce that you eat on the most frequent basis.
b. If that option seems unappealing or something that you still can’t do that option then buy a multivitamin and fish oil. Foods that are treated with pesticides reduce the amount of vitamins that are in the food therefore you are getting less than you think. By having these in your diets your vitamin intake will improve and the fish oil allows for less inflammation, lower cholesterol, and help decrease body fat.
c. An additional option is to buy frozen produce in bulk. This allows for more of that said food and it is more of a cost effective option. Note that fresh produce and such is the better choice, however, sometimes trying to live in a budget and be healthy you have to make the best choices that you can. Our only advice is to make sure that you are getting veggies and fruits that have no additives and are the better brand. (This is where researching about what you are eating is key. Become knowledgeable on what you are putting into your body.)
7. Buying cheaper forms of protein will be a huge help on your wallet. For example, eggs and canned tuna. Both are high in protein and you can buy them each in bulk, which will save you money verses buying organic grass-fed beef. However, if you can try and buy the higher quality forms of these in bulk. For instance, buying albacore vs. the nasty canned tuna bits. This will keep your wallet full of cash and your body full of nutrients.
8. Another tip is to bring food with you more and go out for meals less. One, this will lessen the amount of calories that you’re eating in a day. Secondly, it will save you money in the long run. The third reason is that the portions are entirely too large when we go out to eat. This leads into the next and last tip…..
9. Portion out your food. This will help you keep the weight off and allow you to control how fast you go through your food. If you plan out your meals (part of tip #3) then this allows you for no second guessing and no reason to buy more food, to eat more food or foods that weren’t on your plan, and no reason not to save money.
Our hope is that these 9 points are a good guideline for you and your future grocery shopping. There really is not reason for us all to be healthy and happy no matter what our budget is. We all have to the right to be healthy and that is way we are so committed to making sure you all are as informed and armed for the world around you. So, healthy shopping and eating! J
Check out the link below to learn more about eating healthy and spending wisely.
Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe
Justin and Angie LaPointe
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