Monday, August 20, 2012

Great Total Body exercise and ab toner!

We all are rushing around these days finding time to work out hard to come by or we feel too tried to workout. BUT there really is no excuse for not working out if your workout only take 20 minutes or less. This is done by combining exercises that work large muscle groups. As mentioned earlier, one of the best is the Burpee but surely there are other exercises that can have the same affect? Well, there are. The Inchworm is another great total body exercise that will work all the major muscle groups and help tone and strengthen your core.

The inchworm is done by starting out on your feet standing. Then you bend forward at the hips with your legs straight, as best you can, and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet, engage your core and slowly walk your hands out till you are in a push up or plank position. (Now, if you are wanting to make this move more advanced add a push up, refer to number 4 on the diagram.) Pause for a second in the plank position, make sure the hips and back are in line with with floor and that they are not sinking. Then walk your hands back towards your feet keeping your core engaged still. Then repeat this move 10-15 times.

Try to insert this exercise into your workout routine to add some spice and to make it more challenging. Hope that you all have a wonderful week!

Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Clean Eating BBQ Garlic & Dill Asparagus

Hey everyone! Here is a fun way of spicing up your vegetables to make them more entertaining to eat that are easy to make! Plus they are a great add in for summer grilling. Just Click on the link and enjoy!

Clean Eating BBQ Garlic & Dill Asparagus

Enjoy your summer eats!

Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe

Move Of The Week: Weighted Burpees

"What are weighted burpees?" you ask? Well, we are taking the BEST total body exercise and making it into a real burner. Not only making this move harder but it is also making your metabolism get a bigger jump start that will keep it running at a higher rate throughout your day!

The only changes to a burpees to make this move is you are just adding a pair of dumbbells and removing the hop as you come up at the end of your burpee and just doing an overhead should press with the weights. Let's take a look at the image to the right to see how it is done.

Let's take a run through with this new exercise. First, start standing up with weights in hands (beginners use 5-10 and then go up as you feel necessary.) then bend forward with the weights into a crouching position and weights are on the floor. Hope feet out so that you are now in a push up position. Once there more advanced exercisers you can try the push up, then bring your feet back up towards your hand with a hop (beginners can bring their feet up by stepping forward) and bring the weights up to your shoulders as you are standing, ending with a final overhead shoulder press.

Now that you have it down do it again anywhere from 10 to 15 times. It is a great add into any lifting program and for any cardio program it is a good way of mixing it up and making it more fun for you. :)

(*Note that the push up in the first image is an addition to this move and it should only be added once you are comfortable with preforming the rest of this exercise.)

Hope everyone is enjoy this new move and really one of the best total body exercises around! Have a great week, stay motivated, eat well, and work hard! You can do it anything you put your mind too.

Committed to your health and fitness,
Justin and Angie LaPointe